Visiting Dinosaurs Alive at Kuala Lumpur
Located at Malaysia Tourism Centre (MaTic), which you can see their giant billboard from the road once approaching MaTic, and the parking area are next to it, you either can enter from MaTic main entrance or before it.
We are greeting by moving dinosaur with roaring sound at the entrance outside. And yes, the head are moving. This how our experience for visiting dinosaurs alive at Kuala Lumpur begin.

Giant Billboard and Dinosaur at parking during visiting dinosaurs alive
All dinosaurs are assemble in tent, huge tent with great air cooling system. Upon entering , there are another 2 dinosaurs greeting to give you and your kids a goosebumps.

Greet by 2 dinosaurs at the entrance
We spent around 2 hours, the most spending time is at indoor playground, around 3 of them total. Inside, there are lots of type of dinosaurs, egg, even dinosaur bones and parts. The moving dinosaur only on head, eyes, hand and tail part. But the most impressive is the biggest and gigantic one almost reached top of the tent. That’s the most outstanding one (for me) .

gigantic and most impressive dinosaur at the exhibition


more dinosaurs

dinasours frame

some more dinosaurs

even more dinosaurs

more and more dinosaurs

another dinosaurs to visit
For kids, they have fun activity and some are free, like puzzle coloring, assemble dinosaur, hammer the egg so you can get baby dinosaur, pickup dinosaur toy and get prize based on number on their feet. This activity maybe can make you spend more time. because to be honest, this tent not so big. Because they place dinosaur close to each other and divided by 4 section only.

free activity, coloring puzzle and assembly dinosaur frame
If you ever feel thirsty and hungry, there are light refreshment selling inside, but don’t expect much. And if you still want to know more about dinosaur, there are dinosaur video are projecting, please be sit and enjoy the video too. This experience visiting dinosaurs alive at Kuala Lumpur is a memorable one.
More detail for Dinosaur Alive in KL are below:
Address : Malaysia Tourism Centre (MaTic), 109 Jalan Ampang, Kuala Lumpur
Operating hours : Open daily from 10am- 10pm
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